Forests, hermitage and water

Exploring the hills and woodland between Prata and Sassetta. Exploring the hills and woodland between Prata and Sassetta. An evocative route that offers splendid views towards the Val di Cornia valley, immersed in the silence of uncontaminated nature. The Romanesque church Chiesa dell’Annunziata, now abandoned, lives in symbiosis with the forest and has always been a point of reference for the local woodcutters, in part due to the pure water spring nearby.

Balcony Overlooking the Cornia Valley

A route of exceptional scenic value in the magnificent solitude of the hills overlooking Suvereto and the Val di Cornia valley A route of exceptional scenic value in the magnificent solitude of the hills overlooking Suvereto and the Val di Cornia valley from the eastern side of the area. Unspoilt nature and vestiges from distant history are features that hallmark this itinerary: in Etruscan and Ancient Roman times it was an area where iron was processed, transforming ore mined on the isle of Elba and in the Metalliferous Hills.

From Sassetta to Suvereto

A route of outstanding environmental interest that winds through the Sassetta area. A route of outstanding environmental interest that winds through the Sassetta area. An almost untouched maquis, with oak and chestnut groves on which man has left minimal traces. Over time, nature has once again taken possession of this territory where man and the environment coexist, following sustainable agricultural traditions.

From Suvereto to Campiglia Marittima

A circular route linking the villages of Suvereto and Campiglia Marittima. A circular route linking the villages of Suvereto and Campiglia Marittima. Initially it runs across the Suvereto countryside looking onto the Val di Cornia valley. The Volpaiole road heads towards Campiglia Marittima, through dense Mediterranean maquis. After a stop in the medieval heart of Campiglia Marittima with its spectacular castle, the itinerary continues on the Campiglia Vecchia road and then slopes down towards the Rio Merdancio valley, amongst farms, olive groves and vineyards on an ancient medieval path once used by charcoal burners.

From Suvereto to Sassetta

A true voyage into the heart of the most authentic, wildest Tuscany. A true voyage into the heart of the most authentic, wildest Tuscany. A land of charcoal burners and transhumance herders on an itinerary that offers glimpses of an area of breathtaking beauty. Immersed in the Mediterranean maquis with shimmering views of the coast and the isle of Elba. Cypresses, cork oaks and monumental turkey oaks punctuate the road amongst ancient farms with olive groves and vineyards. Wide open spaces are interspersed with the magic of the woods until you reach Sassetta, a small village with great character where you can take a refreshing break in the spa waters of the Cerreta.

In the hearth of the Cornia Valley

Full immersion in the wide, sunny spaces of the Val di Cornia valley... Full immersion in the wide, sunny spaces of the Val di Cornia valley, embraced by an amphitheatre of hills to the north, east and south and facing west towards the open sea and the islands of the Tuscan archipelago. The Cornia alluvial plain is an ideal location for Nordic walkers and people who prefer very gentle slopes. A voyage into the heart of the rural environment around Suvereto: not just vineyards but also cereals, olive groves and legumes, reaching high levels of quality.

La via dei vecchi molini

An interesting route linking seven old, disused mills. An interesting route linking seven old, disused mills. Water-powered, in past centuries they were used to grind cereals, chestnuts and acorns, to press olives (San Michele mill) and to work iron (Molino delle Basse mill). All built on river Redigaffi, they are in ruins except for the first mill at San Michele. From the Pancione mill, the route takes trail 7 towards the slopes of Poggio Castello where there was an Ancient Roman fortification. It then continues to Case Ferrone and on to Prata.

Monte Calvi

A challenging route, well worth the effort for the superb views from the summit of Monte Calvi A challenging route, well worth the effort for the superb views from the summit of Monte Calvi, the most significant peak in the area. The panorama encompasses the Tuscan archipelago, Corsica, the Apuan Alps and Monte Amiata in a single glance. Of great naturalistic interest, especially in spring with the flowering of endemic plants such as iris, Ofrys orchids and the yellow and purple fringed loosestrife, Lysimachia ciliata.

Montioni Park

Welcome to a landscape whose history is linked to mining, coal production and woodcutting Welcome to a landscape whose history is linked to mining, coal production and woodcutting. Approximately seven thousand hectares of forest in which one can venture along countless tracks once trodden by lumberjacks, charcoal burners, shepherds and hunters. In the heart of the park, signs of man’s presence can be seen in relics of the alum quarries and the Napoleonic-era mining village commissioned by Elisa Bonaparte Baciocchi, Napoleon’s sister.

Poggio del Pino Circuit

A hilly route set in the Mediterranean maquis, skirting the slopes of Poggio del Pino A hilly route set in the Mediterranean maquis, skirting the slopes of Poggio del Pino and hallmarked by water in the form of streams and ancient springs. The trail winds amongst cork oaks and tall turkey oaks in an area that in Ancient Roman times was used for processing iron ore mined on the isle of Elba and on Monte Calvi. The area is in the hills north of Suvereto immersed in a magical solitude.

Suvereto - Belvedere Circuit

A short route that offers a fantastic view over the Val di Cornia valley A short route that offers a fantastic view over the Val di Cornia valley and the opportunity to experience the heart of Suvereto and the small, romantic village of Belvedere, in a magnificent position. Olive groves and Mediterranean maquis, ancient stones and charming scenes tell the story of these places linked to migratory herding, which, up until the 1970s, kept the Tuscan-Emilian Apennines in constant contact with the Suvereto hills. The return route runs along the “corta di Belvedere” (short Belvedere trail), the direct downhill path (800 m) linking the two villages.

Suvereto soul

A short but memorable trip that provides an overview of the wonderful Suvereto area. A short but memorable trip that provides an overview of the wonderful Suvereto area. Starting from the main town, it leads to the hamlets of Prata and Belvedere, following ancient paths through forests, olive groves, vineyards and historic villages that were once the realm of charcoal burners and woodcutters.