Monte Calvi

A challenging route, well worth the effort for the superb views from the summit of Monte Calvi, the most significant peak in the area. The panorama encompasses the Tuscan archipelago, Corsica, the Apuan Alps and Monte Amiata in a single glance. Of great naturalistic interest, especially in spring with the flowering of endemic plants such as iris, Ofrys orchids and the yellow and purple fringed loosestrife, Lysimachia ciliata.


Route: Crocino hamlet, Case Pazzagli farm, Monte Calvi, Passo delle Streghe pass, Strada delle Foreste (forest road), Crocino hamlet.

Distance: 11.5 km

Elevation gain: 580 m

Time required: 4 hours - 4 and a half hours

Difficulty: challenging

Route surface type: cart track and trail

Notes: the route follows trail 3 of the Suvereto Trekking network