Flavoursome roads

An experience of great visual beauty and taste, especially for wine lovers. From the Val di Cornia valley to Bolgheri, this is a particularly evocative ride. After Sassetta you touch down on the Castagneto hills and reach Viale dei Cipressi (the cypress avenue) pedalling through legendary vineyards. The return to Val di Cornia is a full immersion in biodiversity where, in addition to fine wines, you can find excellent products such as extra-virgin olive oil, legumes, cereals and ancient grain crops.


Route: Suvereto, Prata, Sassetta, Castagneto Carducci, Segalari, Bolgheri, Castagneto Carducci, Sassetta, Prata, Suvereto.

Distance: 75 km

Elevation gain: 850 m

Time required: 4-5 hours

Difficulty: challenging

Route surface type: asphalt

Bikes: Road and Gravel

Refreshment stops: Suvereto, Prata, Sassetta, Castagneto Carducci, Bolgheri

Notes: a route whose distance and elevation profile call for a reasonable level of fitness and familiarity with lengthy bike trips. Also ideal for people who like technical routes on road bikes. There are opportunities for refreshments on the route, but it is a good idea to bring sufficient drinking water (1 or 2 flasks), energising supplements and snacks.