From Val di Cornia to Sassetta

Great views and beautiful roads for this approximately 30 km loop that winds through the woods of Sassetta and Suvereto and the open, sunny setting of Pian delle Vigne and the Val di Cornia valley. The road up to Sassetta is a must for all cyclists, offering unforgettable scenic views.


Route: Suvereto, Prata, Sassetta, Pian delle Vigne, bridge over river Cornia, Suvereto

Distance: 32.5 km

Elevation gain: 400 m

Time required: 2 and a half hours - 3 hours

Difficulty: moderate

Route surface type: asphalt

Bikes: Touring, Road and Gravel

Refreshment stops: Suvereto, Prata, Sassetta

Notes: an easy-pedalled route ideal for cyclists with a moderate level of fitness. The climb to Sassetta does not present any challenging slopes.