Suvereto and human biodiversity

Suvereto carries in its heart the wealth that only cross-contamination can generate. The rugged Maremma here becomes a human laboratory where the edges are smoothed by the kindness of farmers, transhumance farmers, charcoal burners, artisans, nobles and vine growers.

Among the iconic locations in Suvereto is Rocca Aldobrandesca, the fort that has dominated and protected the town since the 12th century. Today it houses a museum that describes the spirit of the location with an engaging itinerary to bring you close to Suvereto's Genius loci: the Charta Libertatis (A.D. 1201...) that represented a powerful aperture to new citizens, the visionary spirit of Elisa Bonaparte, the centuries-old seasonal migrations of transhumants: all these are important stages that over time have built the community's identity inspired by a passion for the new, all that is different and unknown, very different to the tendency towards closure or opposition that characterised many medieval centres.

More specifically the figure of Elisa Bonaparte, wife of Prince Baciocchi, was one of the elements that perfectly illustrated this territory's openness to innovation. In the deep, wild and inhospitable Maremma, Napoleon's sister 'invented' a spa centre in the woods of Montioni, and a production district with new cultivation techniques. Public, state and religious lands were privatised to implement a new project focusing on experimental vines: all this took place in the early 19th century. In the Calzalunga area, the Princess of Lucca and Piombino, and the Grand Duchess of Tuscany, celebrated the first combination of Sangiovese and Cabernet Sauvignon grapes by importing French vines directly from the Botanical Garden of Marseille.

The territory of Suvereto is a living open-air museum that celebrates peasant culture beyond stereotypes. In this land fragrant with the scent of Maremma, the sea and the Mediterranean maquis, the rhythms are marked by the seasons and daily sunrises and sunsets. Suvereto is both an ancient place and a new frontier for men and women who have decided to change their lives to get closer to the soul of a generous land that offers great opportunities. Hard-working hands, passion, ingenuity and creativity are the human skills used to transform raw materials of excellence. Ancient grains, honey, vegetables, aromatic herbs, extra virgin olive oil and cheeses describe a land of hard work and transhumance, but also of ingenious intuition. Together with wine, the products of the land inspire a profoundly authentic territorial cuisine. Balance, harmony and conviviality are the 0 km ingredients that are the basis of a way of life based on wellness and good taste.

The Etruscans and Romans had understood the richness and potential of an area that, although not very extensive, is notable for its exceptional variety of environments, an important complexity of soils and an ideal microclimate for producing great wines. The farmers of Suvereto constitute the different souls of a unique territory and by recognising their identification with a close-knit group, they tell the story of a wine universe with a strong personality. Different histories and backgrounds, historical families and young people fascinated by the idea of interpreting a microcosm in which farming traditions meet avant-garde techniques of cultivation and production, combining a sensitivity towards mother nature and the most innovative technological knowledge. The result is a variety of native and international wines of great character, with a constant focus on sustainability. Biodiversity is the polarising feature of this area, and it is expressed in various ways and in great harmony. And “human” biodiversity is the characterising element of the people of Suvereto, who travel together combining their experiences to build an identity made up of hands and land, memory and visions.